Ahmed Timol Exhibition Launched at Freedom Park

On 22 October 2019, an exhibition commemorating Ahmed Timol was officially launched at Freedom Park, Pretoria.   Read More: https://freedompark.co.za/index.php/home-page/10071-ahmed-timol-exhibition-open-at-freedom-park.html

Joao Rodrigues loses appeal bid

Joao Rodrigues loses the appeal bid that intended to overturn the decision by a full bench of the High Court rejecting his initial application to stay prosecution   Read More:

The trial of Joao Rodrigues, who is charged with murdering anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Timol, has been further postponed until May 28, 2020

Joao Rodrigues’ bail has been extended and the case against him postponed to 28 May 2020, as the High Court awaits finalisation of his appeal to the Supreme Court of

DOJ &CD forced to disclose nearly R3.6m paid for Rodrigues legal costs, at taxpayers’ expense

The PAIA application submitted by Imtiaz Cajee – nephew of Ahmed Timol – revealed that the legal costs incurred by the State in paying for Joao Rodrigues’ legal representation already

Statement by the FW de Klerk Foundation

Following a statement by the FW De Klerk Foundation that apartheid was not a crime against humanity, the Desmond Tutu Foundation and the South African Council of Churches called on

Following the postponement of the inquest into the death of anti-apartheid activist Neil Aggett, the inquest is to resume on 1-19 June 2020 in the Johannesburg High Court.

  Read More: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-02-26-aggett-inquest-postponed-indefinitely-after-judge-admitted-to-hospital/

SAPS ordered to pay legal fees

On 5 June 2018, Judge Cynthia Pretoria found that the SAPS was biased, and was following an unfair procedure in refusing to pay legal fees in the upcoming murder trial

Nokuthula Simelane’s disappearance remains a mystery

On 2 August 2019, Thembisile Nkadimeng presented a public lecture about her sister at the Sol Plaatje University to mark the start of Women’s Month.

Nokuthula Simelane declared dead after 36 years

On 21 August 2019, Simelane was officially declared dead by the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria. Her family had spent 36 years looking for her following her enforced disappearance

Trial dates for ‘activist Nokuthula Simelane’s killers’

Former apartheid-era security branch members charged with the murder of Nokuthula Simelane appeared in court on 28 January 2020. Following a substantial delay, the trial has been scheduled from 5-30
